In 1973, our Prime Minister, Edward (Ted) Heath committed Treason against the people by entering us into the European Economic Community (EEC), which dissolved Britain into a corporation of United Kingdom Limited. When the Blair Government committed further treason against the people by ratifying the Treaty of Neice in 1999, the Barons invoked Article 61 of Magna Carta, and the Crown was disposed of all authority until the people took responsibility for restoring the constitution as written in Magna Carta 1215. This means we have not had a lawful government or courts with lawful authority for the past 52 years, and all the British colonies have endured treasonous corporations standing as their governments, local councils, police, and courts. The Queen was subsequently given her new title of ‘Head of State’ which means head of the bankrupt United Kingdom Corporation and the City of London which is the financial pillar of the world and sits on foreign land exactly like Washington DC and the Vatican. Article 61 of Magna Carta was gifted to us by our ancestors as a valid remedy to the current problem of our corrupt government, police, and courts by formally recording our right to freedom from control by treasonous entities.
Constitutional Common Law
Trial By Jury, as defined in our Constitution, Magna Carta 1215, is the mechanism by which the people, in the form of a jury of twelve men and women, determine the law and govern their country.
Trial By Jury enables the people to decide if Government legislation infringes upon the inalienable rights of the defendant. If one jury member considers the legislation has infringed on his or her rights the legislation can be annulled in that case and the defendant has no case to answer; this is known as Annulment by Trial By Jury and Jury Nullification.
Under our constitution, it is the right of the people to decide what laws and legislation the people should follow through the Annulment by Trial By Jury process. As such, a law or piece of legislation can’t initiate the violation of the rights of a man or woman, preventing freedom, or causing them harm or loss. A government or monarch declaring such a decree would be against the Law of the Land and the people.
“The conclusion, therefore, is that any government that can for a day enforce its own laws without appealing to the people (or to a tribunal fairly representing the people) for their consent, is, in theory, an absolute government irresponsible to the people, and can perpetuate its power at pleasure.
“The trial by jury is based upon a recognition of this principle, and therefore forbids the government to execute any of its laws by punishing violators in any case whatever, without first getting the consent of ‘the country,’ or the people, through a jury. In this way, the people at all times, hold their liberties in their own hands, and never surrender them, even for a moment, into the hands of the government.”
Lysander Spooner from his essay on Trial by Jury 1852.
Common Law – The Law of The Land – Our Constitution
The term ‘Common Law’ is often misunderstood due to the deliberate confusion caused by the system to obscure our constitution and our right to Trial By Jury, which places the power directly with the people and is, therefore, a threat to our tyrannical Government and rogue councils. Firstly, we need to make the distinction between Case Law and our English Constitutional Common Law.
Case Law
The United Kingdom’s statutory legal system has confused the understanding of the term ‘Common Law’ by using it to describe what should be known as Case Law as determined by a Judge in the higher courts.
The Law of The Land
Common Law in its true meaning is our English Constitutional Common Law or Legume Terrae, The Law of The Land which is based on fundamental principles for a fair and just society. It means to treat others as you would wish to be treated.
Cause no loss, harm, or injury;
Commit no fraud;
Be honourable in all of your contracts; and
Don’t cause a breach of the peace.
It is based on the traditions and customs of Natural Law, which was unwritten and passed down through oral tradition. Constitutional Common Law is therefore the expression of Natural Law in society.
Natural Law
Natural Law operates in the unseen, non-physical realm and forms the hidden laws of nature which are built into the fabric of reality. Natural means it is not man-made, but is inherent to and having a basis in reality and nature. Law means an existing condition that is both binding and immutable, meaning it has an effect that cannot be escaped or changed by anyone, including Governments, Heads of State or any other body whatsoever either native to or foreign to a land and its people.
Natural Law is a science of morality which doesn’t require belief or faith. It is also known as Cosmic Law, Spiritual Law, Universal Law, Divine Law, Moral Law, Karma, The Golden Rule, The Law of Cause and Effect, and Consequentialism.
Within Natural Law there is no authority between man or woman and the creator and our decision making is by our conscience and free will. But with this freedom comes the acceptance of the consequences of our actions, which is known as karma. The consequences received are dependent on whether the intent behind any given behaviour, is moral or immoral (right or wrong).
Natural Law is a science of morality which doesn’t require belief or faith and essentially means ‘don’t do unto others what you don’t want done to yourself’.
Natural Justice
Natural Law was previously expressed in society as Natural Justice, which originates from the European tribal groups of Celtic, Druid, Angle, and Saxon origin where men and women held equal status. At that time, women had property rights and could be leaders carrying the spiritual feminine aspect to temper the divine masculine.
The Law of The Land rose from the will of the people, not a ruler, by allowing six men and six women from a tribe to provide Natural Justice through a Trial By Jury. The twelve members of the tribe would consider the evidence and decide the fate of the accused man or woman who was on trial.
In this sense the liberty of the people was inherent and the rights of the people were not granted by one person to another since they existed ‘ab initio’; from the beginning.
Our Inalienable Rights
Natural Law establishes our inalienable rights, which cannot be taken away from us unless we allow it to happen. Yet Governments do everything they can to strip us of our rights through corrupt administrative courts and the police who act as policy enforcement officers for their paymasters. It is essential for each one of us to know what our inalienable rights are and then to stand up against anyone attempting to take them away.
To act in self-defence (personal, family, innocents, nation).
To own and carry weapons for self-defence and to ensure that the nation remains free.
To own and control private property (land, money, personal items, intellectual property, etc.)
To earn a living and keep the fruit of one’s labour.
To freely migrate within the country or to leave the country.
To worship, or not worship, God in the manner one chooses.
To associate with—or disassociate from—any person or group.
To express any idea through print, voice, banner, or other media.
To be secure in one’s home, papers, and person against unwarranted searches and seizures (privacy).
To be advised of the charges, in the event of arrest.
To have a judge determine if the accused should be held for trial or for punishment.
To be tried by a jury of one’s peers and face one’s accuser, in the event of being charged with a crime.
To be tried by a jury of one’s peers, in the event of a suit in which the disputed amount is substantive.
To suffer no cruel or unusual punishment.
To establish, monitor, control, and petition our servant government to help secure the above rights.
To abolish said government, when it becomes destructive of these rights.
King Alfred The Great
Alfred was born in 849 and died 899. He was King of Wessex, a Saxon Kingdom in Southwestern England, from 871 to 899. He prevented England from falling to the Danes and promoted learning and literacy.
Natural Law was fundamental to the lives of ancient people who followed the unwritten Molmutine Laws, which were implemented by the second King of England, King Molmutius. The Molmutine Laws were followed in England until the 9th Century when the Anglo-Saxon King Alfred the Great used them as the basis for reforming the legal system. He had them translated from the original Briton into Latin so that they could be translated into Anglo-Saxon and brought into his own legal framework.
King Alfred’s Doombook compiled ancient laws of the Saxons and the Angles with longstanding Germanic customs, and practices from the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms in England with added Christian principles. King Alfred’s Law is now considered to be the basis for English Constitutional Common Law and the source of concepts such as liberty of the individual, family life, a decentralized government, and equal justice for all under the law.
King John (‘The Tyrant’)
William the Norman replaced King Alfred’s law with a feudal system of government which concentrated power into the hands of the king resulting in the unbridled power of the tyrant King John oppressing the people.
John was born c. 1166 and died in 1216, in Newark, Nottinghamshire. He was the king of England from 1199 to 1216 and after a revolt of the barons, he was forced to seal the Magna Carta (1215).
He was against the people, causing the poverty and starvation that Robin Hood attempted to remedy. Robin didn’t arbitrarily rob from the rich; he took back the produce and taxation that was unfairly taken from the people by the church and the King’s men.
King John was in constant flagrant breach of his coronation oath to uphold The Law of The Land and having had enough, the Barons established Magna Carta in order to limit the power of King John, and to prevent any future from mistreating the people.
The Great Charter Constitution 1215
The Barons rewrote King Alfred’s Doombook and established The Law of The Land in The Great Charter as a declaration of the fundamental law of England.
The purpose of Magna Carta was hold King John to account by forcing him to sign it to restore the courts to the common people. In doing so he became what he was supposed to be: a constitutional monarch bound to serve the will of the people.
Magna Carta is the English constitution because it bound future heads of state to be sworn in to maintain the law of the land as our Constitutional Monarchs.
Magna Carta is the most authoritative re-statement or expression of our constitution and the oldest consolidated written statement of English Law, as noted by William Blackstone in his Commentaries *85. British judge Lord Denning described the Magna Carta as “the greatest constitutional document of all times – the foundation of the freedom of the individual against the arbitrary authority of the despot.”
Lysander Spooner
In his essay of 1852, Lysander Spooner gave us a concise view of Magna Carta 1215, our English constitution, which gives the people the right to Trial By Jury. Spooner recommended that Trial By Jury should be re-established as a solution to government tyranny.
In the present day, if a man was arrested for going out in his car during a lockdown under the Corona Virus Act and he was granted a Trial By Jury of twelve of his peers from his local community, the jury could find him innocent because the act itself was unfair. If one jury member felt that the act was imposing on the inalienable rights of the defendant, the act could be annulled in that case and the man set free.
If several juries came to the same conclusion the people could ask that the Act or Statute be rewritten or removed from legislation. In this way, the people would not be oppressed by unfair legislation from a tyrannical government.
Here is a summary of the Spooner Essay:
This is a link to the full essay:
Trial_by_Jury_Lysander_Spooner Download
Common Law Trial By Jury
In 1215 Magna Carta gave us the solution to a tyrannical government in the form of Trial By Jury, a clear principle of English constitutional law. This gives the people the right to judge the law and the justice of the law as a guard against government oppression.
Legume Terrae, the Law of the Land, as established in Magna Carta was the common, ancient, fundamental law, that the Kings were bound by oath to observe. It did not include any acts, statutes, or laws enacted by the King himself, the legislative power of the nation at that time. Therefore, our current legislation is constitutionally subordinate to the concept of Common Law Juries where the people judge the law, not the Judiciary.
Our statutory legal system has confused the understanding of the term ‘Common Law’ by using it to describe what should be known as Case Law as determined by a Judge in the higher courts.
By implementing our constitutional right to Trial By Jury, we can overcome the tyranny we are experiencing today. It allows any man or woman accused of a crime to convene a jury of twelve men and women to decide their guilt. But it also allows the act, statute, or law to be put on trial so that the people can decide if that law is fair.
The work of Will Keyte (Constitution Researcher, been interviewed on GB News and by Neil Oliver’s own YT channel), explains how the right to Trial By Jury would be a solution to our present tyranny, which has been caused by a lack of separation between legislature, judiciary, and executive, causing the Police to back up fake court paperwork based on Act and Statutes implemented to terrorise the people and make them poor.
It is estimated that the average family pays £1,000,000 in various taxes throughout their lives, yet there is no law to say that we should pay tax.
Our Constitutional System
The following diagrams show how our system would operate under our Magna Carta Constitution. The power to Restore the Rule of Law is directly in the hands of the people; Common Law Annulment by Trial by Jury, as stipulated for millennia and accessibly captured in the Magna Carta today.
Halsbury’s Laws of England states: “Magna Carta is as binding upon the Crown today as it was the day it was sealed at Runnymede.”
This one relatively simple step to restore the Rule of Law with the People reinstalled as the highest court in the land would cause our material problems to disappear once an unleashed humanity, with practically no money or resource constraints (e.g. Sovereign Money, Greenback Dollar/Bradbury Pound, Cash, Bitcoin, Others etc.), starts building new solutions.
For further information please read:
Authentic_Common_Law_Trial_by_Jury_as_per_the_Magna_Carta_v1_0 Download
A PDF summary of Trial By Jury including the above infographics:
Blacks Law Dictionary
Interestingly, Blacks Law Dictionary, the dictionary that distorts our language into ‘Legalese’, confirms that Magna Carta was a constitutional enactment in 1215. So our fraudulent legal system admits that we have a constitution but they tell us about it and deny it at the same time to preserve their power through confusion.
Man Made Laws
Man-made laws are in moral opposition to natural law are therefore morally illegitimate and not morally binding. Legitimate human interactions are voluntary and mutually agreed upon by all participants.
Man-made laws which decree and enact behaviours such as prohibition, taxation, and licensure/licensing are not voluntary. They are commands of compliance backed by the threat of violence or actual violent behaviour.
Man-made laws are arbitrary decrees of a ruling class calling themselves government who give themselves the right to rule. Those living under their jurisdiction are believed to be morally obligated to obey the arbitrary laws. Understanding that such a system is entirely based in behaviour that is coercive and immoral.
If man’s laws are in opposition to Natural Law and therefore false or immoral it cannot be legitimately morally binding. Legal or illegal is not the same as moral or immoral. Human authority is not legitimate because it is not voluntary and is based on immoral behaviour such as coercion and violence.
True democracy is about protecting the people against any form of tyranny by holding our governments, heads of state and other bodies to account for unjust legislation through private prosecutions.
The most common form of democracy today is a ‘representative’ democracy where people elect representatives who decide on legislation through a ballot system.
Voting is suffrage or the right to vote someone in to act on your behalf: such as your MP representing a constituency in Parliament. Suffrage is not democracy.
In an equitable system it is the members of a society that envision the principles of fairness and justice themselves. Anarchy is freedom from governmental authority and self determinism enables the people to decide what is good for them.
This means the right to freedom for everyone, even those whom you dislike or those with whom you disagree. It is the right to express your own views.
We keep the rights we were born with and not those passed by Government.
Equity Vs Inequity.
Fairness & Justice Vs Prejudice & Discrimination.
Anarchism Vs Statism.
You decide what is good for you Vs Someone else decides for you.
Freedom for all Vs Freedom for those that comply.
Inalienable Rights Vs Rights given by Government.
The People Govern their Country through the Jury:
Read Ken D’Oudney’s book ‘Democracy Defined: The Manifesto’
Magna Carta 1215, Article 61
Article 61 of Magna Carta was gifted to us by our ancestors as a valid remedy to the current problem of our corrupt government, police, and courts by formally recording our right to freedom from control by treasonous entities.
Magna Carta has remained a fact in our Constitutional Common Law because no court, government, or Monarch has ever refuted it. It was created by the people for the people and ratified by the signature of King John, not Parliament, so no government can lawfully repeal any of the articles within it without public consent since they were not a party to it.
Article 61, known as the Security Clause, is the most important because it declares that the rights and freedoms of the people can be defended if a government violates the Constitution. In signing it, King John promised that he and all his heirs would command their people to stand with the Barons. Should future monarchs, governments, and other public servants not stand with the barons and ‘observe … the peace and liberties’ granted to the people, the people of the realm can complain about their treatment. They can present a petition of transgression to a quorum of 25 barons, of which four must then take it to the Monarch, who must accept it. If the King or Queen fails to address a grievance within 40 days, a committee of 25 Barons is permitted to stand in Lawful Dissent, transferring allegiance away from the corrupt government.
Under our constitution, the role of parliament is not to create nor to repeal the rights of the people; but to act within the limits and framework of the original grant of rights. In 1999, the Blair government stepped outside their role by agreeing to greater integration with the European Union by ratifying the Treaty of Nice. The Treaty aimed to reform EU rules by further diminishing the sovereignty of national and regional parliaments and concentrating power into a centralised and unaccountable bureaucracy.
This treasonous act caused a quorum of barons to agree that several articles in the Treaty of Nice agreed by Tony Blair would destroy fundamental liberties. They considered that handing our powers to the EU was unconstitutional and went against what the people agreed in 1215 with the signing of Magna Carta. They knew that by destroying the fundamental liberties of the people as stated in the constitution, the Blair government would be betraying their country and committing an act of high treason against the people.
Four of the Barons petitioned Queen Elizabeth II to block closer integration with Europe and to uphold the constitution as expressed in Magna Carta 1215. The petition was signed by 28 hereditary peers and supported by a further 60 with letters of support. This event was reported in the Daily Telegraph on March 24, 2001.
Although the Queen’s secretary, Sir Robin Janvrin, responded to the petition on day 39 and did not dismiss the validity of the invocation of Article 61 and our constitution, she failed to deal with the issue according to her constitutional and contractual duty under her coronation oath of June 1953. If the Queen had denied Magna Carta or Article 61 she would have been a seditious act against the people and their rights.
This failure of the Queen to address their grievances regarding the requirement to protect the rights of the people caused the barons to invoke lawful rebellion on 23 March 2001. Article 61, gives the people the right to ‘distress and distrain’ the monarch, by seizing property, land, and possessions until they receive redress. Redress has not yet been made.
By invoking Article 61 the Crown was disposed of all authority until the people took responsibility for restoring the constitution as written in Magna Carta 1215. This means we have not had a lawful government or courts with lawful authority for the past 23 years, and all the British colonies have endured treasonous corporations standing as their governments, local councils, police, and courts. The Queen was subsequently given her new title of ‘Head of State’ which means head of the bankrupt United Kingdom Corporation and the City of London which is the financial pillar of the world and sits on foreign land exactly like Washington DC and the Vatican.
Charles Windsor is therefore not King Charles because his mother was deposed and the Crown authority suspended until redress for ongoing treason by The Crown and its agents is obtained.
The instructions in Article 61 state that once the invocation has occurred, each Crown subject has to affirm or swear their Oath to the Constitution, via the barons. They cannot claim Crown authority until the treason causing the Invocation has been redressed.
The remedy is for the people to stand under our Constitutional Common Law, Trial By Jury which gives the people the right to judge the validity of the laws they are expected to follow. It also means that the people can hold criminals to account for their crimes against humanity. It is our lawful duty under the law to stand by the invocation of Article 61 and call the government and its agents to account. It is their duty to protect and serve the people according to their Oaths and if they don’t, their criminality should be investigated. They should be tried under the rule of law, which holds that the same laws must be applied to all men and women.
The Barons Committee’s invocation of Article 61 was a significant event, highlighting the ongoing relevance and importance of the Magna Carta in British law and history. The petition, although not widely reported, demonstrates the power of the Magna Carta and its ability to influence contemporary events.
Other Historical Texts
England has a further four historical texts that document the principles of law:
The Charter of the Forest;
The Charter of the Liberties;
The Great Remonstrance; and
The Bill of Rights.
Common Law – The Law of the Land – Our Constitution
The English Constitution and why we need it:
The People Govern their Country through the Jury:
Information on Natural Law and the esoteric foundations of our Constitution:
The English Constitution:
Kenn d’Oudney’s eye opening research on democracy and the constitution:
The New Chartist Movement discuss restoring the rule of law to the people:
The_Winchester_Declaration Download
The history of our constitutional crisis. The High Treason committed by the Heath administration in joining the EEC in 1973 and Article 61 invoked by 63 Barons:
Denounce-the-Deception-the-Constitutional-Crisis-and-the-Solution Download
Alan of Salisbury – An Introduction to The Occult Art of Law
David Robinson – Practical Lawful Dissent
The ancient Molmutine Laws are the basis of English common law:
The-Molmutine-Laws-1 Download
Watch Graham Moore on Rumble for more information about the Constitution:
The history of law, how it has been subverted, and using it to hold government to account:
Trial By Jury Links
A Vital Listen, people aren’t awake if they don’t understand these basic truths:
Will Keyte on the British Constitution and Trial By Jury:
Will Keyte discusses Trial By Jury with Richard Vobes:
More from Will Keyte on the common law constitution with Richard Vobes:
Martin Geddes discusses government tyranny through politics and administrative courts:
The exposure and uncovering of deeply hidden information about the British Constitution:
Jury nullification – when a jury rejects the enforcement of laws:
The Law of the Land Training
1.-Law-of-the-Land-Court Download
3.-Law-of-the-Land-Constitution Download
4.-Law-of-the-Land-Gods-Law Download
Natural Law Research
Mark Passio discusses the Universal Laws that apply to all human behaviour:

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